Vehicle must be acceptable to the Classic
Car Center (CCC), including:
o Licensed
o Insured
o Running
o In very good to excellent mechanical/cosmetic condition
o Copy of title provided before consignment is accepted
o Cleaned inside and out*
o Realistically priced
o Delivered to CCC facility by seller
o Exclusive to CCC for sale for 60 days
o Remain in our facility while being held for sale
· No up-front fees
· If car does sell, owner is charged:
o 10% commission on Sale price (15% if less
than $15,000 or $1,500, whichever is greater)
o Sales costs (FedX, etc.), if any
· If the car is not sold at the end of 60 days, he may:
vehicle without any further obligation;
consignment agreement with CCC’s concurrence and pay storage of
$95 per month for as long as the car remains unsold (first two months
were free)
will clean inside and out for $250 due at time of