1938 Ford Tudor
CONGRATULATIONS, TERRY THOMANN, for winning Best of Show and Best in Class last month in Dearborn, Michigan with his 1938 Ford Tudor. Also pictured below along with Terry are two of our technicians who played an important role in his car’s success. Under the leadership of our Shop Manager, Bill Grant, we performed a variety of tasks getting the car show-ready as well as trip-ready. Dan was the lead Tech on our team and Trevor got the car’s lights working when they suddenly stopped working on the Friday afternoon before the 11-hour drive to Michigan. While most of the 300 or so cars attending came in trailers, not Terry’s. He and a group of 4 other Early V-8 stalwarts set out on Sunday morning, June 11, for the almost 600 mile drive to Dearborn. Travelling at 60+- mph, 11 hours later (after pit stops) they pulled into the hotel’s parking lot. No breakdowns!
After sweeping the Show’s awards with a Best in Class and Best in Show, Terry climbed back behind the wheel of his ’38 Tudor and drove it to his garage in Fredericksburg, Virginia, again without a breakdown! When Terry arrived at the Classic Car Center to show us his awards and to thank our Team he said that not only did his 85-year old Ford perform flawlessly during his roundtrip to Michigan but it was the most comfortable to drive of all his cars—collector and daily drivers alike.