Phone: (540) 370-4474





As all of us attempt to understand and react to the challenges of the
Coronavirus (COVID-19), the agreed-upon watchword is: caution,
particularly in public gatherings.  As of this writing, the
Commonwealth of Virginia has restricted gatherings of the level of
participation normally encountered by our popular Swap Meet. 
Normally scheduled for a Saturday in mid-April, the attendance at our
annual Swap Meet and Car Corral has traditionally attracted more
than 1,000 car enthusiasts.  While events will dictate whether a re-
scheduling is possible, right now our conclusion is that the April
gathering must be—and is—cancelled.
The Classic Car Center’s hours of operation will remain as they have
been: Monday-Friday from 9AM-5PM and Saturdays from 10AM to
4PM.  We encourage you to schedule a time to bring your vehicles in
for service and/or repairs by calling Bill Grant at 540-370-4474. 

For those of you who would like to stop in to examine the cars we
have for sale or just to enjoy looking at the assortment of classic and
exotic vehicles we always have on hand, you are welcome to stop by.
If your group exceeds 25 people, we ask that you call in advance.

Our staff will continue to provide the high level of courtesy and
expertise which you have come to expect of us while maintaining your
safety by controlling the number of people here at any one time and
continuing our policy of requiring facemasks for all visitors. If you
forget yours, we have a supply in our front entryway.